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Vanuatu Passport Visa Free Countries List 2024

Vanuatu is a country in the South Pacific Ocean made up of 80 small islands. It is renowned for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. The capital city, Port Vila, serves as a central hub for the nation, offering a market for local produce and handicrafts and being a popular tourist destination for water sports.

Established in 2017, Vanuatu’s Citizenship by Investment program aims to promote economic development and growth within the country. This program provides individuals and families with the fastest pathways to obtain a second passport through affordable investment options.

Currently ranked as the 54th strongest passport globally, it grants visa-free access to over 90 destinations. For a complete list of these countries, please download the information below.

Americas Asia Africa Caribbean Europe Oceania Middle East
Bolivia * Bangladesh Angola Anguilla Belarus Cook Islands Armenia *
Costa Rica Cambodia * Botswana Antigua and Barbuda Bosnia & Herzegovina Fiji Iran *
Ecuador Hong Kong (SAR China) Burundi * Bahamas Gibraltar Kiribati Israel
El Salvador Laos * Cape Verde Islands * Barbados Kosovo Marshall Islands Jordan *
Guatemala Macao (SAR China) Comoro Islands * Bermuda Moldova Micronesia Palestinian Territory
Honduras Malaysia Djibouti * British Virgin Islands Montenegro Narau
Nicaragua * Maldives * Egypt * Cayman Islands Russia Federation Niue
Panama Nepal * eSwatini Dominica Palau Islands *
Peru Philippines Guinea-Bissau * Dominican Republic Papua New Guinea
Suriname Singapore Kenya Grenada Samoa *
Sri Lanka ** Lesotho Haiti Solomon Islands
Thailand Madagascar * Jamaica Tonga
Timor-Leste * Malawi Montserrat Tuvalu *
Mauritania * St. Kitts and Nevis
Mauritius St. Lucia
Mozambique * St. Vincent & the Grenadines
Rwanda Trinidad and Tobago
Seychelles *
Sierra Leone *
Somalia *
St. Helena
The Gambia
Togo *

Get in Touch

Considering embarking on the journey towards a second citizenship through investment? We’re here to guide you every step of the way. Our team of experts is just a call or an email away, ready to provide you with bespoke advice tailored to your unique needs. Reach out to us on +971 4 393 0 393 or drop us an email at info@uno-capital.com.

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